A Call To Action! Homelessness Action Week: Youth Event

Join us for the 2019 Homelessness Action Week "A Call To Action" Youth Forum on Monday, September 30th at South Vancouver Neighbourhood House from 3:30pm to 5:30 pm.

This Forum is meant to bring together key stakeholders, community members, and those experiencing homelessness to begin to better understand issues that affect housing in the South East Vancouver areas.

  • Learn about the available resources in your area and how you can help the youth in your life facing or who may soon be facing homelessness
  • Hear about what services providers are doing to address the needs of youth on the streets today and what more can be done
  • Listen to the story of a youth who has faced homelessness and what the struggle was like for them
  • Meet others who want to get involved, and share your ideas, thoughts and concerns about what you see with homelessness in your community.
  • Eat FREE PIZZA!!!!!

Your attendance and input are truly invaluable to our goal of making a change for our community so we really hope you will join us.