New Food Hub in Town!

We have exciting news to share: as of May 1st, SVNH will be partnering with the Greater Vancouver Food Bank (GVFB) to offer a Food Hub at SVNH! Here is some useful information:

What: South Vancouver Food Hub

When: Tuesdays from 10am-12pm (except the week when provincial Social Assistance cheques are issued)

Where: 6470 Victoria Drive (at 49th Avenue)

The South Vancouver Food Bank is currently held on Friday mornings at Faith Fellowship Baptist Church and will be relocated to SVNH. This will allow visitors to connect to programs and services currently offered at SVNH, including settlement support, family programs, language classes, seniors’ services, and more. The current South Vancouver Food Bank serves approximately 160 households each week, which includes approximately 35% seniors and 8% families with young children. We are looking forward to introducing some of these neighbours to SVNH for the first time.

We are very excited about our new initiative with GVFB, as it will help improve food access for South Vancouver residents. Hosting a Food Hub is aligned with SVNH’s mission to play a leadership role in building healthy and engaged neighbourhoods in South Vancouver by connecting people and strengthening their capacity to create change. We are thrilled to be opening up our neighbourhood house to this exciting program, rooted in social justice values of equity and access.

If you would like more information, or to sign up as a Food Hub volunteer, please contact Zsuzsi Fodor at