A new coronavirus is the cause of an outbreak of respiratory infections, now known as COVID-19. The number of cases worldwide is changing quickly.

We want to inform you about how ANHBC is protecting the health and safety of our participants, staff and local communities served by our Neighbourhood Houses/Camp. We are working diligently to mitigate any potential impact to House/Camp operations, realizing that many in our community rely our programs and services every day. Safety and health is always the highest priority at our Neighbourhood Houses and Camp.

British Columbia’s health system has activated an advanced response plan to contain and manage COVID-19. We are acting upon information and recommendations received from reliable and knowledgeable sources including the Office of the Provincial Health Officer, Vancouver Coastal Health, Fraser Health, BC Centre for Disease Control and Public Health Agency of Canada.

B.C. has 53 confirmed cases of coronavirus; however the risk to Canadians continues to be low. Health authorities are working to track and contain these cases.

Based on all reliable information received to date, our Neighbourhood Houses and Camp will continue to offer all regular programs and services to the community without interruption at this time. All Houses/Camp have implemented enhanced cleaning and sanitation measures and have COVID 19 information posted and available to help participants and staff.

We ask that everyone in the community help to contain the spread of COVID 19 by following advice provided by PHAC:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose mouth especially with unwashed hands
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • When coughing or sneezing cover your mouth and nose with your arm or tissues to reduce the spread of
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces such as toys, electronics and doorknobs.
  • Stay home if you are sick to avoid spreading illness to others

We will continue to monitor this evolving situation and let all members of the Neighbourhood House community know immediately if there are further updates.

For more information on COVID-19:

BC Centre for Disease Control

Office of the Provincial Health Officer BC

Public Health Agency of Canada