This story is shared with us by Ann of Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood House

  • What first brought you to get involved with your neighbourhood house or camp? (eg. volunteering, food services, childcare, etc...) 

My story is about my mom Kathleen, now deceased, who volunteered at Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood House in the 1980’s. She was an abused woman who started off a single life in her 50’s and baked raisin carrot muffins for the participants at Cedar Cottage. While there, she met lasting friends and felt she had a purpose in life by helping others which lifted her own sadness.

  • What is your involvement with your neighbourhood house or camp now? Please select all that apply.

Seniors (activites, programs, support groups, etc...)

  • What does the neighbourhood house or camp mean to you and your community?

A community to combat loneliness.

  • What impact has your neighbourhood house or camp had on your life?

A place to meet and make new friends.

  • Is there anything else you'd like to add?

My mom had great memories from her years at Cedar Cottage and spoke often of her experiences until her passing in 2010.

Thank you Ann for sharing your mother's story!